Sanitär Nord Sinks Toiletten

Hello dear campers,

With the new 2021 camper season, there will be a few changes.

You will also like the two EasyBe dishwashers for free. These help you wash the dishes for free in less than 5 minutes and are very environmentally friendly. Only little water is used.

After initial difficulties, the free Wi-Fi has already stabilised by the end of August. For 2021 we have doubled the number of antennas. Soon, these will also be redrawn on our site plan. Nevertheless, we are still struggling, especially when there is a load, e.g. EM, we still have problems.

We are currently renovating the old north sanitary building for the ladies. It’s the men’s turn in 2022. There will be more space upstairs for better air quality. There are also windows there for daylighting and ventilation. Sustainable building is a priority and wood dominates as a raw material.