In the event of an emergency, there are many fire engines, so we adhere to the line-up order and keep the barriers and the road clear.
In an emergency – 112
Fortunately, emergencies happen very rarely in our country. This page is intended to help everyone do the right thing in an emergency.
Keep calm!
Have the courage to call out loud and let your friendly neighbours help you.
Use wifi calling to make calls via our WLAN.
Alternatively, the best mobile phone reception is on the beach.
Behaviour in the event of accidents
1. Erste Hilfe
- Frage deine Nachbarn um Hilfe
- Beseitigung der Unfallgefahr
- Verunglückten aus dem Gefahrenbereich bringen
- Feststellen des Bewußtseins
- Atemwege frei machen – Erste Hilfe Maßnahmen
2. medical emergency calls
Dial 112
- WHO is calling?
- WHERE has it happened?
- WHAT has happened?
- HOW MANY people are injured?
- WAIT for further questions!
- Don’t just hang up!
3. Inform our employees
Behaviour in case of fire
1. Menschen retten
2. Brand sofort melden
- Wo brennt es ?
- Was brennt ?
- Sind Menschen in Gefahr ?
- Wer meldet ?
3. Informiere unsere Mitarbeiter
Wir öffnen nach Bedarf zusätzliche Fluchtwege und unterstützen bei der Evakuierung. Sowie leiten Gäste und Helfer an.
4. Verhaltensanforderungen
- Gefahrenstelle verlassen
- Behinderten helfen
- Gekennzeichnete Rettungswege benutzen
- Stark verqualmte Räume gebückt oder kriechend verlassen
- Strom und Gaszufuhr sperren
- Brand bekämpfen
- nächster Feuerlöscher max. 50 m entfernt
- Sammelplatz (Bolzplatz) aufsuchen
- Feuerwehr einweisen
- Anforderung der Feuerwehr befolgen
Our barrier
Only rescue and fire vehicles can open the barrier at any time. After opening, the barrier remains open.
If you need to leave the site between 10 pm and 7 am, you will need to take a taxi or a bus.
Further phone numbers and addresses
Emergency contact phone
- Fire brigade 112
- Police 110
- Rescue control centre 0385 50000
- Hospitals with emergency room DRK Hospital Grevesmühlen
Klützer Street 13-15
23936 Grevesmühlen
+49 3881 7260 - Sana HANSE Hospital Wismar
Störtebekerstraße 6
23966 Wismar
+49 3841 330 - Medical emergency service 116 117
- Poison emergency call poison information centre Erfurt 0361 730730
- Dentist emergency service
- Pharmacy emergency service
+49800 00 22833 - Grevesmühlen police station
+493881 7200 - Veterinary emergency service
- Children/youth emergency service MV On-call service for children at risk
+49 800 1414007
+49 38872 53252 - Violence against women helpline (day & night)
+498000 116016 - Telephone counselling service (day & night)
+49800 1110111 - Pharmacies MEZ-Apotheke, Marktstraße 1, 23968 Gägelow
+49 3841 643436 - Sonnen-Apotheke, Ostseeallee 11e,
23946 Boltenhagen
+49 38825 9019 - See-Apotheke, Klützer Str. 1,
23936 Grevesmühlen
+49 3881 79073 - General practitioner Dipl.-Med. Lutz Menzel, Marktstraße 1, 23968 Gägelow
+49 3841 210001 - Dörte Wendland,
Am Markt 2, 23948 Klütz
+49 38825 37177 - Thorsten Markwardt,
Ostseeallee 32, 23946 Boltenhagen
+49 38825 9026 - Taxi Grevesmühlen
+49 3881 711177 - Taxi Boltenhagen
+49 38825 22264 - Taxi Wismar
+49 3841 283883
+49 3841 212300
Further information
Reception (try more often at night)
Current telephone number at the info office
Small emergencies
- First aid kit: Available in the information office. Speak to our staff. We can help with plasters, quick dressings, etc.
- Medication: Unfortunately, we are not allowed to distribute them. These must be organised by one of the pharmacies.
- Ticks: We are happy to lend equipment for removing ticks. More.
- Allergies: In case of allergic reactions to insect bites, plants or jellyfish (very rare), please consult a doctor. It is better to be a little more careful at night as the symptoms of allergies often get worse and the availability of doctors gets worse.
- Jellyfish: Severe poisoning is rare here, with only one case reported every few years. If in doubt, always see a doctor. As a general rule, avoid touching the jellyfish with your hands or other parts of your body so as not to spread the poison. Fresh water and showers aggravate the symptoms.
According to the DLRG (Web), without guarantee: covering with wet sand on the beach or shaving foam have proven to be effective. After drying, scrape off with a sharp plastic object, cheque card or similar with a light pass, thereby removing many nettles/tentacles and alleviating the poisoning.